Andira Pramatyasari
Andira Pramatyasari is 20 years old and has a visual impairment. Currently, she is a student who majors in Law at the University of Indonesia. As of this moment, she is working on her Bachelor Thesis. Her aspiration is to be a corporate lawyer or even a law consultant in the future. Andira participated alongside other Young Voices Indonesia members in the Youth roundtable during the CSO outreach event for the Post 2015 High Level Panel meeting in Bali in 2013. She contributed to the ‘Open Letter to the High Level Panellists from Youth partners in development’ calling for a clear mandate and involvement on youth in the post-MDG agenda. Her other outstanding achievements include: participating and winning first place in the World Disability Congress and Global IT Challenges in Icheon, South Korea in 2012 as well as participating in the UN for Malala event in the United Nations Building in New York, USA in 2013.