Yayasan Cheshire Indonesia or well known as Wisma Cheshire is a member of Global Alliance of Leonard Cheshire Disability, a non-government organization based in London which operates some 257 homes worldwide.
Wisma Cheshire started in 1974 offering residential care for paraplegics. The organization has grown over the years and now actively runs programmes such as vocational training, disability rights advocation, individual development plan, and residential for person with disabilities.
YAYASAN CHESHIRE INDONESIA or well known as WISMA CHESHIRE was established in Jakarta in 1974 and was built on land donated by Rumah Sakit (Hospital) Fatmawati. The UK-based non-governmental organisation, Leonard Cheshire Foundation (now known as Leonard Cheshire Disability), provided major funding from London for the construction of the buildings, along with local donations. The home is situated south of the hospital and is managed by a committee of Indonesian and expatriate volunteers. The home cares for some 30 resident paraplegics of both sexes, all confined to a wheelchair, whose families cannot afford to keep them or who do not have the facilities to look after them. It is the aim of Wisma Cheshire to enable all residents to learn a skill within or outside the home – with the ultimate hope that they will find employment and gain financial independence. Most of our residents are encouraged to learn skills that can help to support The Red Feather shop, which is situated at the home. The red feather is a symbol of prosperity, security and happiness, and was first used to raise funds for the Leonard Cheshire Foundation over 50 years ago.
Wisma Cheshire envisions an inclusive society where persons with disabilities can achieve their full potential as a person and enjoy equal opportunities through their work place and be accepted into the wider community without prejudice.
Wisma Cheshire is a home, registered in Indonesia, for up to 32 paraplegic residents of both sexes. The majority of the residents have disabilities from road or industrial accidents; some have suffered from polio. Wisma Cheshire provides a center for our residents to realise their full potential. We support educational programmes to help rehabilitate the residents, helping them learn new skills which enable them to seek employment and financial independence. The home is run by a committee of volunteers and employs some full time staffs.
At Yayasan Wisma Cheshire, we endeavor to:
- Encourage Residents to be responsible and accountable for their choices;
- Empower and facilitate Residents to take an active part in their own rehabilitation and re-introduction into the community;
- Run and/or find training programs where the resident will achieve a particular skill/skill set which suits the individual’s goals and level of ability;
- Find appropriate job training and/or placements within our scope;
- Support and encourage independence in all daily living skills: personal grooming, cleanliness of environment, care of personal and public property and financial management;
- Facilitate independence from the Yayasan by setting up a Half-Way Home to teach skills and confidence for everyday life;
- Teach particular skills in relation to woodwork and sewing so that the Resident will be able to make a living;
- To promote honesty and self-advocacy by encouraging Residents to speak up for themselves
- To advocate and promote the rights of PWD and also to raise social awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Right for Person with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
Board Members
Ratih Dardo Subroto – Honorary Patron
Barbara Speirs – President
Laksmi Pratiwi – Treasurer
Petty Elliott – Supervisor
Programme Management
Fendo Parama Sardi – Programme Manager
Poniati – Matron
Bernadetta – Shop Manager
– Handicraft Supervisor
– Handicraft Volunteer
– English Teacher
– Health
– Computer Trainer
– Website
– Physiotherapy
– Woodwork Supervisor
– Residents Personal Development